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  • What Does Mando Mean in Disc GolfA Mando in Disc Golf is an Obstacle That a Disc Must Pass Around or Over in Order to Score a Point.

What Does Mando Mean in Disc GolfA Mando in Disc Golf is an Obstacle That a Disc Must Pass Around or Over in Order to Score a Point.

what does mando mean in disc golf

What is a Mando in Disc Golf?

A mando is a mandatory obstacle that a player must avoid or pass through in order to complete a hole. Mandos can be either natural or artificial, and they can take a variety of forms, such as trees, rocks, or water hazards.

Understanding the meaning of mandos is important for disc golfers of all skill levels, as it can help them to improve their scores and avoid costly penalties.

Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful:

Disc Golf Mando Features
Introduction to Disc Golf Mandos What is a mando? What are the different types of mandos? How do you throw a mando?
Types of Disc Golf Mandos Natural mandos, artificial mandos, and temporary mandos
How to Throw a Disc Golf Mando Tips for successfully completing a mando
Tips for Successfully Completing a Disc Golf Mando Common mistakes to avoid when throwing a mando
Disc Golf Mando Rules and Regulations History of the Disc Golf Mando
Famous Disc Golf Mandos Disc Golf Mando Equipment
FAQ Disc Golf Mando Rules and Regulations

what does mando mean in disc golf

II. Types of Disc Golf Mandos

There are two main types of disc golf mandos: natural and artificial. Natural mandos are obstacles that are found in nature, such as trees, rocks, or water hazards. Artificial mandos are obstacles that are created by humans, such as poles, fences, or walls.

Natural mandos can be challenging to navigate, as they can often be unpredictable and difficult to see. Artificial mandos, on the other hand, are typically more straightforward and easier to avoid. However, both types of mandos can be difficult to throw around, and they can often lead to costly penalties if a player does not successfully complete them.

In general, mandos are designed to test a player’s accuracy and skill. They can also be used to add variety to a course and make it more challenging. While mandos can be frustrating at times, they can also be a lot of fun to play around with.

III. How to Throw a Disc Golf Mando

There are a few different ways to throw a disc golf mando. The best way to throw a mando will depend on the specific type of mando and the conditions of the course.

In general, the goal is to throw the disc so that it passes through the mando without touching it. However, there are times when it may be necessary to hit the mando in order to get the disc to the desired landing spot.

Here are some tips for throwing a disc golf mando:

  • Practice your throws in a field or open area before trying them on the course.
  • Be aware of the wind and other environmental factors that could affect your throw.
  • Choose a disc that is suitable for the type of mando and the conditions of the course.
  • Make sure to release the disc with a smooth, controlled motion.
  • Follow through with your throw so that you can generate maximum power and accuracy.

With practice, you will be able to throw disc golf mandos with ease and confidence.

How to Throw a Disc Golf Mando

Throwing a disc golf mando can be a challenge, but it is an important skill for disc golfers of all skill levels to master. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of successfully completing a mando and improve your overall disc golf game.

  • Practice your throws in a variety of conditions.
  • Learn the different types of mandos and how to throw them.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and the other players on the course.
  • Don’t be afraid to take risks.

With practice, you will be able to throw a disc golf mando with ease and confidence.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Throwing a Disc Golf Mando

When throwing a disc golf mando, there are a few common mistakes that players should avoid. These include:

  • Throwing too hard
  • Throwing too late
  • Throwing too high
  • Throwing too low
  • Not aiming correctly

By avoiding these mistakes, players can improve their chances of successfully completing a disc golf mando and scoring a birdie.

Throwing too hard can cause the disc to fly too far past the mando and out of bounds. This is a common mistake for beginners who are trying to power through the mando. However, it is important to remember that the goal is to simply get the disc through the mando, not to throw it as far as possible.

Throwing too late can also cause the disc to fly too far past the mando. This is because the disc will have less time to slow down and turn around the mando. To avoid this mistake, players should start their throws early and give the disc plenty of time to make the turn.

Throwing too high can cause the disc to hit the top of the mando and bounce back into play. This is a common mistake for players who are trying to avoid hitting the mando. However, it is important to remember that the disc must pass through the mando in order to be considered a legal throw. To avoid this mistake, players should aim their throws slightly below the top of the mando.

Throwing too low can cause the disc to hit the ground before it reaches the mando. This is a common mistake for players who are trying to avoid hitting the mando. However, it is important to remember that the disc must pass through the mando in order to be considered a legal throw. To avoid this mistake, players should aim their throws slightly above the ground.

Not aiming correctly is the most common mistake that players make when throwing a disc golf mando. This is because it can be difficult to judge the correct angle and trajectory for the throw. To avoid this mistake, players should practice throwing mandos on a regular basis. They should also try to get advice from more experienced players on how to properly aim for a mando.

VI. Disc Golf Mando Rules and Regulations

The rules and regulations governing disc golf mandos vary depending on the specific tournament or league in which you are playing. However, there are some general guidelines that apply to most mandos.

First, mandos must be clearly marked on the course. This can be done with paint, tape, or other materials. Mandos should be large enough to be easily seen by players, and they should be placed in a way that makes it clear which way players must throw their discs.

Second, players must throw their discs around or through mandos. If a player’s disc hits a mando, they must take a penalty stroke.

Third, players may not intentionally hit a mando in order to gain an advantage. If a player’s disc intentionally hits a mando, they must take a two-stroke penalty.

Finally, mandos may not be moved or altered in any way during a tournament or league. If a mando is moved or altered, the player who moved or altered the mando must take a two-stroke penalty.

By understanding the rules and regulations governing disc golf mandos, you can help to ensure that you are playing by the rules and that you are not penalized for accidentally hitting a mando.

History of the Disc Golf Mando

The history of the disc golf mando is a relatively short one, as the game itself is still relatively new. However, mandos have been a part of disc golf since the early days of the sport, and they have played an important role in its development.

The first mandos were created in the early 1970s, when disc golf was still in its infancy. These early mandos were typically natural obstacles, such as trees or rocks. As the sport grew in popularity, artificial mandos began to be used as well. These artificial mandos were typically made of metal or plastic, and they were often placed in areas where natural obstacles were not available.

Mandos have played an important role in the development of disc golf for a number of reasons. First, they help to keep the game fair by preventing players from taking shortcuts. Second, they add a degree of challenge to the game, which makes it more interesting for players of all skill levels. Third, mandos can help to create more interesting and challenging courses.

Today, mandos are a standard part of disc golf courses around the world. They are an important part of the game, and they help to make it the challenging and enjoyable sport that it is.

what does mando mean in disc golf

Famous Disc Golf Mandos

There are many famous disc golf mandos around the world, each with its own unique challenges and history. Here are a few of the most notable:

  • The “Double Mando” at DeLaveaga Park in Santa Cruz, California is a challenging two-part mando that requires players to throw their discs around two trees.
  • The “Cactus” at Morley Field in San Diego, California is a notorious mando that requires players to throw their discs over a large cactus.
  • The “Devil’s Drop” at Milo McIver State Park in Oregon is a steep, downhill mando that requires players to throw their discs with great precision.
  • The “Island” at Maple Hill Disc Golf Course in Massachusetts is a unique mando that requires players to throw their discs over a small pond.

These are just a few of the many famous disc golf mandos around the world. If you’re ever looking for a challenge, be sure to check out one of these courses!

IX. Disc Golf Mando Equipment

The only piece of equipment that is specifically required for throwing a disc golf mando is a disc golf disc. However, there are a few other pieces of equipment that can be helpful, such as:

  • A marker disc
  • A disc golf bag
  • A disc golf cart
  • A disc golf towel

A marker disc is a small, lightweight disc that is used to mark the location of a disc that has landed in an ob zone. A disc golf bag is a bag that is used to carry discs, water, snacks, and other gear. A disc golf cart is a cart that is used to transport discs, water, snacks, and other gear. A disc golf towel is a towel that is used to clean discs and hands.

These are just a few of the pieces of equipment that can be helpful for throwing a disc golf mando. Ultimately, the best equipment for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences.


Q: What is a disc golf mando?
A: A mando is a mandatory obstacle that a player must avoid or pass through in order to complete a hole. Mandos can be either natural or artificial, and they can take a variety of forms, such as trees, rocks, or water hazards.

Q: What are the different types of disc golf mandos?
A: There are two main types of disc golf mandos: in-line mandos and off-line mandos. In-line mandos require a player to throw their disc directly over or around the obstacle, while off-line mandos require a player to throw their disc around the obstacle at an angle.

Q: How do you throw a disc golf mando?
A: There are a few different ways to throw a disc golf mando, but the most common method is to use a hyzer shot. A hyzer shot is a shot that curves to the left for right-handed players and to the right for left-handed players. This type of shot allows you to throw your disc around the obstacle and still have it land on the fairway.

Owen Wilson


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