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Bachelor Party Golf Games a Round of Fun and Games for the Groom to Be
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Bachelor Party Golf Games A Round of Fun and Games for the Groom-to-Be

bachelor party golf games

Bachelor Party Golf Games

1. Introduction
2. Types of Golf Games
3. Planning Your Golf Games
4. Choosing the Right Course
5. Setting Up Your Golf Games
6. Scoring Your Golf Games
7. Awarding Prizes
8. Safety Tips
9. Additional Ideas
10. FAQ

To find fun and engaging golf games to play at a bachelor party.

Bachelor parties are a time for celebration and fun, and golf games are a great way to add some excitement to the event. There are many different types of golf games that can be played at a bachelor party, from traditional scrambles to more creative games like “beer golf” or “drunken golf.” By searching for “bachelor party golf games,” people are looking for ideas for games that will be fun and enjoyable for everyone involved.

Topic Features
Bachelor party golf games Fun and engaging golf games to play at a bachelor party
Golf games for bachelor parties Traditional scrambles, creative games like “beer golf” or “drunken golf”
Bachelor party activities Golf games, drinking games, other activities
Golf bachelor party ideas Planning tips, choosing the right course, setting up games
Bachelor party games Scoring, awarding prizes, safety tips

bachelor party golf games

II. Types of Golf Games

There are many different types of golf games that can be played at a bachelor party, from traditional scrambles to more creative games like “beer golf” or “drunken golf.” Some of the most popular types of golf games for bachelor parties include:

Scramble: In a scramble, each team of players tees off from the same spot, and then they can move the ball anywhere on the course as long as they all agree on where to put it. This is a great game for beginners or for players who want to have some fun and don’t want to worry about keeping score.
Best ball: In a best ball, each team of players plays two balls from each tee shot, and the best score on each hole is counted. This is a good game for more experienced players who want to compete against each other.
Drunken golf: This is a variation of golf where players are allowed to drink alcohol while they play. This can make for a fun and relaxed game, but it’s important to drink responsibly and to be aware of your limits.
Beer golf: This is a variation of golf where players have to drink a beer before they can tee off on each hole. This can be a fun and challenging game, but it’s important to drink responsibly and to be aware of your limits.
Par 3 tournament: A par 3 tournament is a golf tournament where players only play the par 3 holes on the course. This is a good option for players who don’t have a lot of time to play a full round of golf.
Long drive contest: A long drive contest is a competition to see who can hit the ball the farthest. This is a good option for players who want to show off their power.
Putting contest: A putting contest is a competition to see who can make the most putts from a certain distance. This is a good option for players who want to improve their putting skills.

II. Types of Golf Games

There are many different types of golf games that can be played at a bachelor party, from traditional scrambles to more creative games like “beer golf” or “drunken golf.” Some of the most popular golf games for bachelor parties include:

Scramble: In a scramble, each player on a team tees off from the same spot, and the best shot is chosen to be played from there. This continues until the ball is holed out.
Best-ball: In a best-ball, each player on a team plays their own ball, and the lowest score on each hole is counted for the team.
Alternate shot: In an alternate shot, players on a team take turns hitting each shot.
Blind draw: In a blind draw, players are randomly assigned to teams.
Nassau: In a Nassau, players wager on the front nine, back nine, and overall winner.
Texas scramble: In a Texas scramble, each player on a team tees off from the same spot, and the best two shots are chosen to be played from there. This continues until the ball is holed out.
Drunken golf: Drunken golf is a variation of traditional golf where players are allowed to drink alcohol while playing.
Beer golf: Beer golf is a variation of traditional golf where players must drink a beer before each shot.
Dunk tank golf: Dunk tank golf is a variation of traditional golf where players must hit a ball into a dunk tank to win a prize.

IV. Choosing the Right Course

When choosing a golf course for your bachelor party, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, consider the size of your group. If you have a large group, you will need to find a course that has enough tee times available. Second, consider the skill level of your group. If you have a group of experienced golfers, you may want to choose a course that is challenging. If you have a group of beginners, you may want to choose a course that is more forgiving. Finally, consider the budget of your group. The cost of a round of golf can vary significantly from course to course. Make sure to factor in the cost of green fees, cart rentals, and food and drinks when choosing a course.

bachelor party golf games

V. Setting Up Your Golf Games

Once you have chosen the type of golf game you want to play, it is time to set up the course. This will involve choosing the holes, teeing off positions, and setting up any obstacles or hazards.

For a traditional scramble, you will need to set up a course with four holes. The teeing off positions should be staggered so that each player has a different distance to the hole. You can also add obstacles or hazards, such as bunkers, water hazards, or trees, to make the game more challenging.

For a more creative game, you can set up the course in any way you want. You could use obstacles to create a obstacle course, or you could set up the course in a way that makes it difficult to hit the ball. The possibilities are endless, so let your imagination run wild.

Once you have set up the course, it is time to start playing. Each player will take a turn hitting the ball from the teeing off position. The player who hits the ball closest to the hole will be the first to play on the next hole.

The game continues until each player has played on all four holes. The player with the lowest score wins the game.

VI. Scoring Your Golf Games

There are many different ways to score golf games, but the most common method is to use a stroke play format. In stroke play, each player’s score is the total number of strokes they take to complete the course. The player with the lowest score wins the game.

Another popular scoring format is match play. In match play, players compete against each other in head-to-head matches. The player who wins the most matches wins the game.

Some golf games also use a modified scoring format, such as a scramble or a best-ball. In a scramble, each team of players tees off from the same spot, and then each player takes their next shot from the best lie. The team with the lowest score after each hole wins the hole. In a best-ball, each team of players plays two balls per hole, and the team’s score is the lowest score of the two balls.

The scoring format that you choose for your golf games will depend on the number of players, the skill level of the players, and the amount of time you have to play.

VII. Awarding Prizes

After the golf games are over, it’s time to award prizes to the winners. This can be done in a number of ways, such as:

  • Giving the winners a trophy or plaque
  • Giving the winners a gift certificate to a local golf course
  • Giving the winners a round of drinks at the clubhouse
  • Having a raffle for prizes, with the winners being the people who hit the longest drive, the closest to the pin, etc.

The prizes don’t have to be expensive, but they should be something that the winners will appreciate. The most important thing is to have fun and celebrate the bachelor party.

VIII. Safety Tips

When playing golf games at a bachelor party, it is important to take some safety precautions to avoid injuries. Here are a few tips:

  • Always wear proper footwear, such as golf shoes or athletic shoes with a good grip.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and watch out for other players.
  • Don’t drink and drive.
  • If you are feeling tired or dizzy, take a break.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure a safe and enjoyable bachelor party.

IX. Additional Ideas

In addition to the games listed above, there are a few other ideas for golf games that can be played at a bachelor party. These include:

  • Blind golf: This is a variation on traditional golf where players are blindfolded and have to hit the ball using only sound and feel.
  • Long drive: This is a competition to see who can hit the ball the farthest.
  • Closest to the pin: This is a competition to see who can get their ball closest to the pin on a par-3 hole.
  • Putting contest: This is a competition to see who can make the most putts in a certain amount of time.
  • Obstacle course: This is a course set up with obstacles that players have to hit the ball over or around.
  • Best ball: This is a team game where each team plays one ball and the best score on each hole counts for the team.
  • Scramble: This is a team game where each team plays a different ball and the best score on each hole counts for the team.

These are just a few ideas for golf games that can be played at a bachelor party. With a little creativity, you can come up with your own unique games that will be sure to entertain your guests.


Q: What are some good golf games to play at a bachelor party?

A: There are many different types of golf games that can be played at a bachelor party, from traditional scrambles to more creative games like “beer golf” or “drunken golf.” Some popular options include:

  • Scramble: A team-based game where each player hits one shot per hole, and the best shot is used to score the team’s score.
  • Best Ball: A team-based game where each player hits one shot per hole, and the lowest score is used to score the team’s score.
  • Alternate Shot: A team-based game where each player hits one shot per hole, and the two shots are alternated to score the team’s score.
  • Texas Scramble: A team-based game where each player hits one shot per hole, and the best two shots are used to score the team’s score.
  • Drunken Golf: A game where players are encouraged to drink alcohol while playing golf.
  • Beer Golf: A game where players take a drink of beer after each shot.

Q: How do I plan a golf game for a bachelor party?

A: Planning a golf game for a bachelor party is not difficult, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

  • Choose the right course. The course you choose should be appropriate for the skill level of the players.
  • Set a budget. The cost of the golf game will vary depending on the course you choose and the number of players.
  • Book tee times. It is important to book tee times in advance, especially if you are planning a large event.
  • Create a schedule. Make sure to create a schedule for the day of the golf game, so that everyone knows what to expect.
  • Provide food and drinks. You will need to provide food and drinks for the players, as well as any other guests who are attending.

Q: What safety tips should I keep in mind when playing golf at a bachelor party?

A: When playing golf at a bachelor party, it is important to keep in mind a few safety tips.

  • Always wear proper footwear.
  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Don’t drink and drive.
  • Be careful when using golf carts.
  • Follow the rules of the course.
Owen Wilson


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